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Buy & Earn!

Your purchases matter! Earn 1 "DROP" loyalty point for every 1€ spent on purchases*. This is our way to say thank you for your continuous support and love for the Mountaindrop product family!
*There is a minimum purchase threshold of 20€ before "Drops" start accumulating
**Drop earnings are always rounded down to the nearest whole number

Earn additional "DROPS"

In addition to the loyalty points you earn for every 1€ spent, you gain extra loyalty points for larger purchases

At 55€ spent you earn +10 Bonus Drops

At 100€ spent you earn +20 Bonus Drops

At 150€ spent you earn +30 Bonus Drops

At 200€ spent you earn +50 Bonus Drops

More Drop Earning Methods

+50 bonus Drops

First-time customers receive 50 bonus Drops on their initial purchase

+100 bonus Drops / Referral

If you refer a new customer who makes a purchase you receive 100 bonus Drops

+25 bonus Drops / review

Customers can earn 25 Drops for each verified product review they submit, with a limit of 3 rewarded reviews per month

+10 bonus Drops

Sign up to our newsletter and receive 10 bonus Drops


Drops can be exchanged for discounts on future purchases

100 Drops = 5€ discount

  • Customers must have a minimum of 100 Drops to make a redemption
  • There is a maximum redemption limit of 50% of the order value

Exclusions and Special Cases

  • Drops are not earned on shipping fees or taxes
  • For items purchased at a discount, Drops are earned based on the actual amount paid, not the original price
  • Any items discounted by more than 40% are excluded from earning Drops

Drop Balance Updates

  • A customer's Drop balance should be updated immediately after a purchase or redemption
  • Customers should be able to view their current Drop balance and any upcoming expirations in their account dashboard.

Drop Expiration

  • All Drops have a lifespan of 12 months from the date they are earned
  • After 12 months, unused Drops expire and are removed from the customer's balance

Returns and Refunds

  • When a customer returns an item, the Drops earned from that purchase are deducted from their balance
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